Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Classic prank leads to arrest

Most people have probably heard of the classic prank of lighting a paper bag of dog poo on fire and leaving it on someone's door step. Maybe a few of you have actually done it, or considering it now. Well learn your lesson from University of Northern Colorado student Andrew Charles Donahue. According to Donahue was arrested and could be charged with attempted first-degree arson, reckless endangerment, criminal mischief and possession of alcohol by a minor.
Donahue was apprehended by his inteded target, Wayne Pickens, early Sunday morning while attempting to light the bag on fire. Ealier, Pickens called the police on neighbors, who were UNC students because they were partying a little too loud. The police arrived and broke up the party, but Pickens' problems didn't end there.
At 4:30 a.m. someone rang the Pickens' doorbell and left a burning newspaper. Pickens quickly put out the fire and made plans in case the pranksters returned, althought he "assumed they weren't that stupid."
Hiding in his yard Pickens saw two boys walking around with a flashlight and a paper bag, which they were filling with dog poo. When they two approached the front door Pickens tackled one of the boys, later identified as Donahue, and held him until police arrived.
"It's absolutely dangerous," Greeley police Sgt. Joe Tymkowych said. "It's a foolish prank and puts citizens at risk."

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